Tibetan Cultural School's Code of Conduct:
Students at TCS are expected to:
- Arrive prepared, on time, and eager to learn.
- Show respect for themselves, their peers, and authority figures.
- Adhere to school rules and take responsibility for their actions.
- Communicate in Tibetan at all times.
- Submit homework and assignments punctually and to the best of their abilities.
- Care for TAC/TCS property responsibly.
Dress Code:
Students should wear appropriate attire suitable for school. We encourage parents to dress children in traditional Tibetan attire, such as chuba and shirt, especially during significant occasions.
Code of Conduct:
Students must not bring items that could jeopardize the safety of others. Misconduct, including bullying, vaping, smoking, vandalism, and abuse, is unacceptable. Students will receive a warning for such behavior, and parents will be notified. After three warnings, parents may be asked to withdraw their child from the program.
Cell Phone and Screen Policy:
We discourage the use of cell phones and other devices during class time, except for educational purposes. A first offense will result in a warning; a second offense will lead to the device being confiscated until the end of the school day. Continued violations (after the fourth incident) will prompt a meeting with parents to discuss support options.
Attendance Policy:
Regular attendance is crucial for students’ learning and emphasizes the importance of studying the Tibetan language. Parents should ensure their children attend school daily. If a child is unable to attend due to illness or other reasons, please notify the class teacher via email, WhatsApp, or phone.
Students must arrive by on time to support a smooth school operation and establish a beneficial routine. Morning assembly, which includes prayer and meditation, is essential for developing life skills. Frequent late arrivals will result in a meeting with parents to discuss collaborative support strategies.
Parents are responsible for picking up their children on time. TCS classes conclude at 04:45 PM, and parents should arrive promptly to sign out their children.
Thank you for your cooperation in fostering a respectful and enriching environment at TCS.